AutoCAD Backstage by Wm W Wells

Appendix C: ISO Special Characters

Appendix B. AutoCAD Backstage home. AutoCAD Backstage Index. Appendix D.

ISO Character Entity Codes 0 thru 255

The following character descriptions are those recommended by the International Standards Organization. The actual results will depend on the font used. Some character codes may not display or will display a filler such as a box or question mark. In other cases the font may use that character code for another symbol.

The "Name Code" is useful for web page programming, as is the &#nnn; format, but not for AutoCAD. It is here for my reference.

chapter index.

Appendix B. AutoCAD Backstage home. AutoCAD Backstage Index. Appendix D.

Copyright © 1999 Wm W Wells. All rights reserved.